Appointments List
From TrueERP wiki
Within the Appointments List you can view all Active, converted, non converted and deleted appointments, for specific date
ranges. Ways Lists in ERP can be Manipulated: Filtering Lists , Searching f5 f6 f7 , Customising Lists , Report Printing Options and Export Data.
How to View Appointments List
- Select the Appointments section of ERP
- Select the Appointments List button
From the Appointments List you can view all Converted, Non Converted, or Deleted appointments.
- To view an appointment, double Select the specific appointment and the appointment screen will appear. You can amend any details from within the Appointments screen.
Converting an Appointment to a Invoice
- Select the Appointments section of ERP
- Select the Appointments List button
- Click on the specific appointment that you wish to convert to an invoice.
The Appointment will then become highlighted.
- Select the 'Invoice Conversion' tick box, the 'Select all in Grid' tick box will now become available.
- Select the Invoice button
This creates an invoice for the services that were applied to the appointment.