Customer Payment List
From TrueERP wiki
The Customer Payments list displays the list of customer payments entering via the Customer Payment button. This list displays a cumulative balance showing Customer Name, Receipt Number, Payment Date, Opening Balance, Payment Amount, Payment Method, Reference Number, Bank Account, Department, Noted and Deleted.
Ways Lists in ERP can be Manipulated:
Viewing the Customer Payments
From The Main Switch
- Select the PAYMENTS Tab
The Customer Payment list will open.
- Select a From and To date range, to view transactions within a particular period
- Select Search Column to use the search by method
- Enter any search by Text in Search Text
By double clicking (Drilling Down) on a transaction it will allow the user to view the details of the Customer Payment.
- Select Customise to further define fields viewed
- Select Export to copy data to another source
- Select New to open a new Customer Payment
- Select Print to print details shown
The Customer Payments can also be viewed in the 'Customer Card' under the 'History' tab.