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Manufacture is where you can record the Make or Manufacture of Equipment that you repair. To use the Repair Fault functionality in Repairs you must first create the Manufacture records. Within Manufacture you can also configure the Repairs export format for to match the terminology for each Manufacture

How to create a Manufacture

  • Select Workshop tab
  • Select Manufacture button
  • Enter the Manufacture name

How to edit the Repair Export Configuration

  • Select Repair Export Configuration button

You will now see a list of all of the fields available when you export data for a Manufacture. Next to each ERP Fieldname is an alternative field name where you can enter the terminology used by the Manufacturer. eg. The ERP field Ref # may be referred to by Manufacturer Dell as Product Service Number and by LG as Job Number. The editable field names will be the ones appearing in the Repairs screen for the manufacturer as well as in data exports for the Manufacturer.

  • Select any field that you want to change. Each change is specific to this manufacture only.
  • Type the new field name
  • Repeat for each field