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(Created page with "<menu name=myMenu align=center> More Detail= Back Orders Cash Sale Convert To Supplier Customer Customer General Tab Customer List [[Delivery Docket List]...")
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== Overview ==
== Overview ==
A New Customer is created when you require the selection of that Customer from within the drop down list in an Invoice,
Sales Order, and Quote etc. A New Customer can be allocated as a specific Customer Type, allowing the user to set
specific pricing criteria for different Customer Types. Data entered into the Customer Card is linked to other areas of the
program to ensure efficient means of processing and ability to track vital information.
'''How To Create a New Customer'''
· Select the 'New Customer' button displayed within the Sales Tab.
· The screen will default to the Info Tab where you add the new customer details. If the new customer is a Company,
enter the data into the Company field, e.g. A1 Pty Ltd, then tab out of the field.  Note that the top data field will
auto fill with the Company details.
· Enter the Title, First Name and Last Name of the main contact.
· Enter the Job Title of this contact, e.g. Proprietor
· Select the Customer Type from the drop down list e.g. 'Wholesale'. If the required Customer Type is not already
in the list you can manually enter the new Type into this field. Refer to Product Extra Sell for details on different
pricing levels by Customer Type.
· Enter the Telephone, Fax, Mobile and Alternate Phone Number and Contact as required.
· Select the Default Contact Method from the drop-down menu, e.g. email, phone, fax etc.
· NB: Note the + sign next to the Phone number field. This enables the user to enter multiple phone numbers for
the one client, e.g. direct lines. These numbers play a large role for users of CRM.
· To save these numbers simply select OK.
· Select the Address Info tab and add the customer address details.
· Select the 'Suburb' from the drop down list this will auto fill the 'State' and 'Postcode' fields.
· If the 'Physical Address' and the 'Bill To' are the same, use the >>Copy>> button to copy the details across.
· Enter the main email address for your Customer into the 'Email' field.
· Enter the 'XML email' address. By entering an address into this field your customer will receive a 2nd email in XML
format. This will allow your customer to import the document e.g. invoice, into other programs if required.
· Select the 'Default Department' from the drop down list. NB: If you select a department for the customer this will
over-ride the department of the logged-in user entering the transactions.
· To add the customer to an existing delivery run, refer to Delivery & Preferences for more information. Once a
customer is assigned to a run then the data auto loads into this screen. A customer is assigned to a run when
they get regular deliveries.
· Select the Accounts Tab
· If your Company uses a Customer Account Number system, enter the number here.
· The terms will default to your preference setting. You can manually over-ride the terms, credit limit and grace period
per customer as required.
· If you tick 'Use Individual Invoice No.' each invoice produced for this Customer will run consecutive invoice numbers,
specific to this Customer. If left un-ticked every time an invoice is produced for the Customer the invoice number will
be the next system number generated.
· Outstanding Amount field will auto load with the balance owing on the account.
· 'Hours' field is used when Companies sell hours in advance to their Customers. Every time hours are used and the
client is invoiced for those hours they get deducted from the 'Hours' until they are back to '0'. Then the customer
will start being charged again for future services/hours provided.
· 'Stop Credit' If a customer has over-extended their credit terms, and you wish to no longer extend credit to that
customer, simply tick the 'Stop Credit' box and every time an Sales Order or Invoice is generated for that customer
a message will pop up advising that the customer is on 'Stop Credit'. Only those with sufficient access levels can
over-ride this.
· 'Membership Card' number is an optional field for use by Companies who issue Membership numbers to their
· 'Force PO Entry On…' If you require a PO number from your Customers you can force the entry of it by ticking
the appropriate box/es.
· 'Payment Method' Select the preferred payment method for the customer here and it will auto load into the payment
screen whenever you process a payment for this customer. This can be over-ridden at the point of payment if the
customer pays by another method.
· Enter the Customers ABN into the 'ABN' field.
· Select the Default Tax Code (Optional) from the drop down list.
· If the customer is to be invoiced in a foreign currency, select the default 'Foreign Currency' relative to the customer,
from the drop down list.
· Enter the Bank Account Name, BSB Number, and Account Number into the appropriate fields.
· Select the Bank Code from the drop down list.
· Enter Credit Card details into the appropriate fields. (Refer Access Levels/Sales for details concerning reading
credit card numbers).
· Enter any notes in relation to the Credit Card e.g. Security Number
· Related Customers form a Parent/Child relationship. Both Parent and Child can be invoiced, however only the
Parent will be issued with a statement.                                                                               
NB: If the Parent/Child relationship changes, all transactions created whilst the relationship existed will remain on the
Parent statement until they are paid.
· Select the Equip / Notes Tab.
· Select the required equipment from the drop-down under 'Equipment Name'. If the required equipment is not in the
drop-down list you can manually enter the new equipment into this field.
· If the required equipment is not in the drop-down list you can manually enter the new equipment into this field.
· A message will appear asking if you would like to Create New.
· Select Yes.
· To enter any notes regarding the equipment, simply double click in the notes field to load the notes screen.
· Add relevant notes. These may relate to the equipment use, transport, storage etc.
· To add a date to the notes, click on the Add Date button.
· Select 'OK' to save the notes entered.
· Select the 'Services' Tab.
· Select a Representative from the Rep drop down list. Refer to Reps for further info on allocating a rep to an area.
· Select a Service this Representative will provide from the Service drop down list.
· Select the Rating e.g. Preferred, Good, OK etc.
· If you have no Rep allocated to the area the Customer is in, you will receive the following message to prompt you to
allocate a Rep to the required area.
· Select the 'Referrals' Tab.
· Select the Customer/s that this client has referred to you from the drop-down list. NB: A Customer must first be
created to enable selection from this list. You are unable to enter new data into this field.
· The phone and fax numbers will auto fill from the Customer card selected.                                                                     
· To use different numbers, double-click in the Phone or Fax fields.
· A Contact data screen will load to enable alteration of an existing Contact or entry of new contact details.
· To select multiple contacts, hold down the 'Ctrl' key and click on the required contacts.
· To select all of the contacts, click the 'Select All' tick box.
· To send a Letter to the selected Contacts select the 'Letters' Button.
· A Report Selection window will open.
· Select the letter(s) you wish to print or preview and select OK.
· If you have no report template created the following message will appear.
· Refer to Report Designer for instructions.
· If you do have a Referral letter template created, a letter for each selected customer will auto load ready to be printed.
· Select the Skills Tab.
· To add a Skill, select from the Description drop down list.
· To create a new Skill, click into the Description field and manually enter the new skill, selecting the skill level, expiry
date etc as required.
· Select the 'Jobs' Tab.
· All Jobs created for this Customer will be listed.
· To view the details of a Job/s, double-click on the job to drill-down into it.
· Changes can be made to the job if required, then select the 'Save' button to ensure the changes are stored. Refer to
Customer List for further details on creating jobs.
· Select the 'Follow Up' Tab.
· Select the follow up date from the date selector, enter Notes re the follow-up. The date and time of the notes entry will
auto load, as will the name of the logged in employee entering the follow-up.
· Tick the Done box once the Follow Up has been actioned.
· To add repeats of the Follow Up, select the 'Repeat' button.
· Select if you want the repeat to be by Day, Week or Month. e.g. Select week, every 3 on a Tuesday. This will
repeat the follow-up every three weeks.
· Choose the 'Base Date', this is the date from which the interval begins.
· Choose the 'End Date', this is the date at which the repeat reminders will end. NB: The dates that the repeat
follow-up's are due will be listed between the Base Date and the Final Date fields.
· Select how you would like variable situations handled for the following options:
*'If Day is Saturday', 'If Day is Sunday' and 'If Day is Holiday'.
*Post the follow up will be created regardless of when it is to be actioned.
*Drop the follow up will not be created for that date, it will be dropped entirely.
*Shift After this will move the follow up to the next business day.
*Shift Before - this will move the follow up to the previous business day.
· Select the 'Holiday' button to add a Public Holiday date.
· Enter the date and description of the Public Holiday.
· Click the Save button.
· Once you have completed setting up your repeat follow-ups, select OK to save the entry.
· The following message will load 'Inserted 3 Repeats into Customer Followup table', advising the user of what they
have just created.
· All your repeat follow-ups will load into your follow-up list.
· Select the 'Service Cycle' button to Add/Modify Service Cycles. This will open the 'Auto Service Cycle Description'
entry window.
· Enter the description of the required Service Cycle e.g. Motor-vehicle Service, Refrigeration Service, Gas Service etc.
· Select SAVE
· The 'Repeat' screen will load prompting the entry of the required date/s of the service
· Select if you want the repeat to be by Day, Week or Month. e.g. Select 'Month', every 4, 1 day after start of month.
· Choose the 'Base Date', this is the date from which the interval begins.
· Choose the 'End Date', this is the date at which the repeat reminders will end. NB: The dates that the repeat
services are due will be listed between the Base Date and the Final Date fields.
· Select how you would like variable situations handled for the following options:
'If Day is Saturday', 'If Day is Sunday' and 'If Day is Holiday'.
Post the follow up will be created regardless of when it is to be actioned.
Drop the follow up will not be created for that date, it will be dropped entirely.
Shift After this will move the follow up to the next business day.
Shift Before - this will move the follow up to the previous business day.
· Once you have completed setting up your repeat service cycles, select OK to save the entry.
· The following message will load 'Inserted 2 Service Cycle Repeats into Customer follow-up table', advising the
user of what they have just created.
· Select the 'Special Prods' Tab.
· Select Product Name from drop down list.
· 'Original Price' auto fills from the product card and cannot be altered from this screen.
· 'Line Price' auto fills from the product card, however this is where you enter the 'Special Price' for this Customer.
Therefore every time this Customer is invoiced from the products listed here, they will be charged the line price.
NB: The Line Price is a GST exclusive figure.
· 'Used in Run' - Tick this check box to add this product to the Customer's delivery run.
· 'Add New Product' button add any will load a new line for entry of a new product from the drop-down list.
· Enter a % discount into the 'Permanent Discount (%)' field if you wish to offer this Customer a discount for all
purchases. e.g. This Customer will now receive a 5% discount on all goods purchased.
· Enter a % discount into the 'Special Product Discount (%)' field if you wish to offer this Customer a discount on
all the items listed in the Special Product list. e.g. This Customer will now receive a 2% discount when they
purchase an item listed in their Special Product list. NB The discount will come off their Line Price. Therefore if
you wish to discount the 2% from the original price, don't alter the line price once the product is loaded.
· Select the Group Disc Tab.
· Select the 'Manufacture', 'Type', 'Dept' from the drop down lists. You do NOT have to select all three columns,
just the criteria you wish to allocate a discount to.  NB: These headers refer to Columns 1, 2, 3 from within your
Product card. They may be name differently. Refer preferences/inventory for further instructions on renaming the
· Enter the % discount you wish to allocate to the selected criteria of product. In this example this Customer will
receive a 5% discount on any product that falls under the selected group criteria.
· To ensure that this discount is paramount over all other discounts within the system, tick 'Group Discount
Overrides All Discounts'.
· Select the 'History' Tab to display a full range of reports relating to this Customers history.
· This screen automatically defaults to the Appointments list for the Customer.
· The choice of reporting options within this screen cover: Appointments, AR Notes, Calls (If Call Monitoring is
activated), Hired Items, Invoices, Job Profit, Loyalty, Payroll Jobs, Product Sales, Quotes, Sales Orders,
Statements, Timesheet.
· Select the radio button relating to the topic you wish to view the history of.
· Select the 'Calls' radio button and you will be prompted with the following message if you haven't got Call Monitoring
· If you have Call Monitoring enabled, a list of telephone calls for this customer will display.
NB. This function requires a digital telephone system that has been linked to ERP.
· You have the ability to replay any recordings of calls with this customer, by using the audio control buttons.
Knowledge of local legislation on recording phone calls is advised.
· All of the lists available for selection via a radio button within this screen, give the user the ability to 'Search Column',
'Search Text' (Full List, Like, Starts With), Select date range From To, Export the list and Print the list.
· Select the Contacts Tab.
· The Customer Contacts are displayed here. By default the contact entered into the main tab of a Customer Card
will display as the first Contact.
· To modify details of an existing contact, double click in one of the fields for that Contact, or highlight the Contact
and select the 'Edit' button to load the Contact data entry screen.
· Once the modifications are complete, select the 'Save' button to close.
· If you wish to create a 'New' contact after modify this one, select the 'New' button at bottom of screen and a new
contact screen will load, automatically saving the contact you have just modified.
· To enter additional Contacts, select the 'New' button.
· A contact data entry window will load with the Company Name and phone numbers loaded.
· Add the New Contact details and select the 'Save' button.
· Repeat the above steps for each additional contact required.
· The New Contact will now display in the Contact list.
· To send a letter to a Contact, highlight the Contact.
· Select the 'Letter' button.
· The document reference window will load.
· Add a reference for this letter and select the 'Save' button.
· MS Word opens a new document using a letter template from ERP with the Customer and Contact details inserted.
· Complete the letter content, Save the document ready to send to the Customer. The document will be stored under
the 'Documents' tab.
· To send a fax to the Contact, highlight the Contact
· Select the 'Fax' button.
· The document reference detail window opens. Add a reference for this letter and select the 'Save' button.
· MS Word opens a new document using a Fax Template from ERP. The Customer Contact details will be inserted.
· You can now proceed to complete the fax content, then 'Save' the document ready to be faxed to the Customer.
The document will be stored under the 'Documents' tab.
· If you have 'Fax Setup' completed (refer Preferences/Utilities), and you have the correct hardware and software
installed, your fax will be electronically sent.
· To send an email to the Contact, highlight the Contact
· Select the 'Email' button.
· The document reference detail window opens. Add a reference for this email and select the 'Save' button.
· MS Word opens a new document using an email template from ERP with the Customer Contact details inserted.
· You can now proceed to complete the email content, 'Save' the document ready to email to the customer.
· If you have configured your email details, refer Preferences/Utilities, and you have the correct software installed,
your email will be automatically sent.
· Select the Documents Tab.
· Documents originating from within ERP and sent to the Customer are stored here. Note the letters created above
are listed here. You can drill into these at any time to view the document.
· Attaching documents is simple.
· Minimise ERP
· Find the document you wish to attach to this file
· Left click, hold and drag the document over the minimised ERP icon on your Windows toolbar
· ERP will re-load
· Still holding the document move the mouse into the Attachment field then drop the file
· To open a document or attachment, simply double-click on them.
· Select the 'Custom Fields' Tab.
· Custom Fields gives the user the ability to create new data entry fields.
· To create a new Custom Field select the 'Add Labels' button.
· Add a name to the 'Label' field.
· Select the areas of ERP the field is to appear in.
· If you want details to be required in the field, select the 'Required' tick box.
· If the field requires a drop down menu, select the field, then tick the 'Enable DropDown' box.
· Enter the menu for the drop-down as required for the selected field.
· Date Fields require a label name and selection of area to appear in ERP.
· Select the 'Field Set 2' button to view further selection criteria.
· 'Field Set 2' button loads a 2nd screen with Hire as an option.
· To return to front screen select the 'Field Set 1' button.
· Once your set-up is complete select SAVE.
· The newly created fields are now available for selection within your Customer card etc. If 'required' was selected
against a field, then you will not be able to Save out of the Customer Card until the field has been selected.
· Your Customer set-up is complete, select SAVE to close and save your new Customer.
· The buttons down the side of your Customer Card: 'Save', 'Cancel', 'New', 'Shipping', 'Notes', 'Print', 'Convert to
Supplier' and the tick boxes: 'Don't Contact', 'Customer is Active'.
· 'Save' Saves the changes you have made to the Customer Card before closing.
· 'Cancel' Cancels any changes and closes the Customer Card without saving.
· 'New' Auto loads a 'New Customer' card, saving the changes to the Customer Card you have open.
· 'Shipping' Loads a Shipping List screen, enabling the user to enter multiple Shipping Addresses for the same
Customer. Refer Invoice for details of loading.
· Select the 'New' button to enter a new Shipping Address for this Customer.
· Enter the new shipping address.
· The 'Select From List' will load addresses from the Shipping List once entered. These addresses are entered
from all Customers therefore if you have multiple Customers with the same shipping address, e.g. A Port then
you can select the address from this drop-down list.
· The 'Locations' tab allows you to manually enter a list of new locations.
· Once your Shipping address details and locations are entered, select OK.
· The new address is now listed in the Shipping Address List.
· You have the ability to edit the address if required.
· Once you have entered all required addresses, select CLOSE.
· As per all lists in ERP, this list is Customisable, Exportable and Printable.
· The 'Notes' button refers to the 'Notes' field on the Customer Info tab of a Customer Card. If you are in a Customer
tab other than 'Customer Info', selecting the 'Notes' button will take you directly to the 'Notes' field on the Customer
Info tab.
· The 'Print' button will enable you to print vital Customer data.
· Ticking the 'Don't Contact' box will ensure this Customer is NOT contacted when mail outs are generated. Refer
CRM for further details.
· 'Customer is Active' ensures the Customer is available for selection within the drop-down list of and invoice, sales
order etc. A Customer cannot be made in-active if they have a current balance outstanding on their account.
· Selecting the 'Convert to Supplier' button will load the Customer details into the Supplier list. Once selected the
button is greyed out.
· ERP Customer List and Supplier List display an AR, an AP and a Total Balance column to ensure the user can
identify receivables and payables at a glance.

Revision as of 10:20, 3 March 2011


A New Customer is created when you require the selection of that Customer from within the drop down list in an Invoice, Sales Order, and Quote etc. A New Customer can be allocated as a specific Customer Type, allowing the user to set specific pricing criteria for different Customer Types. Data entered into the Customer Card is linked to other areas of the program to ensure efficient means of processing and ability to track vital information.

How To Create a New Customer

· Select the 'New Customer' button displayed within the Sales Tab. · The screen will default to the Info Tab where you add the new customer details. If the new customer is a Company, enter the data into the Company field, e.g. A1 Pty Ltd, then tab out of the field. Note that the top data field will auto fill with the Company details. · Enter the Title, First Name and Last Name of the main contact. · Enter the Job Title of this contact, e.g. Proprietor

· Select the Customer Type from the drop down list e.g. 'Wholesale'. If the required Customer Type is not already in the list you can manually enter the new Type into this field. Refer to Product Extra Sell for details on different pricing levels by Customer Type. · Enter the Telephone, Fax, Mobile and Alternate Phone Number and Contact as required. · Select the Default Contact Method from the drop-down menu, e.g. email, phone, fax etc.

· NB: Note the + sign next to the Phone number field. This enables the user to enter multiple phone numbers for the one client, e.g. direct lines. These numbers play a large role for users of CRM. · To save these numbers simply select OK.

· Select the Address Info tab and add the customer address details. · Select the 'Suburb' from the drop down list this will auto fill the 'State' and 'Postcode' fields. · If the 'Physical Address' and the 'Bill To' are the same, use the >>Copy>> button to copy the details across.

· Enter the main email address for your Customer into the 'Email' field. · Enter the 'XML email' address. By entering an address into this field your customer will receive a 2nd email in XML format. This will allow your customer to import the document e.g. invoice, into other programs if required.

· Select the 'Default Department' from the drop down list. NB: If you select a department for the customer this will over-ride the department of the logged-in user entering the transactions.

· To add the customer to an existing delivery run, refer to Delivery & Preferences for more information. Once a customer is assigned to a run then the data auto loads into this screen. A customer is assigned to a run when they get regular deliveries.

· Select the Accounts Tab · If your Company uses a Customer Account Number system, enter the number here. · The terms will default to your preference setting. You can manually over-ride the terms, credit limit and grace period per customer as required.

· If you tick 'Use Individual Invoice No.' each invoice produced for this Customer will run consecutive invoice numbers, specific to this Customer. If left un-ticked every time an invoice is produced for the Customer the invoice number will be the next system number generated.

· Outstanding Amount field will auto load with the balance owing on the account. · 'Hours' field is used when Companies sell hours in advance to their Customers. Every time hours are used and the client is invoiced for those hours they get deducted from the 'Hours' until they are back to '0'. Then the customer will start being charged again for future services/hours provided. · 'Stop Credit' If a customer has over-extended their credit terms, and you wish to no longer extend credit to that customer, simply tick the 'Stop Credit' box and every time an Sales Order or Invoice is generated for that customer a message will pop up advising that the customer is on 'Stop Credit'. Only those with sufficient access levels can over-ride this.

· 'Membership Card' number is an optional field for use by Companies who issue Membership numbers to their Customers. · 'Force PO Entry On…' If you require a PO number from your Customers you can force the entry of it by ticking the appropriate box/es. · 'Payment Method' Select the preferred payment method for the customer here and it will auto load into the payment screen whenever you process a payment for this customer. This can be over-ridden at the point of payment if the customer pays by another method.

· Enter the Customers ABN into the 'ABN' field. · Select the Default Tax Code (Optional) from the drop down list. · If the customer is to be invoiced in a foreign currency, select the default 'Foreign Currency' relative to the customer, from the drop down list.

· Enter the Bank Account Name, BSB Number, and Account Number into the appropriate fields. · Select the Bank Code from the drop down list. · Enter Credit Card details into the appropriate fields. (Refer Access Levels/Sales for details concerning reading credit card numbers). · Enter any notes in relation to the Credit Card e.g. Security Number

· Related Customers form a Parent/Child relationship. Both Parent and Child can be invoiced, however only the Parent will be issued with a statement.

NB: If the Parent/Child relationship changes, all transactions created whilst the relationship existed will remain on the Parent statement until they are paid.

· Select the Equip / Notes Tab. · Select the required equipment from the drop-down under 'Equipment Name'. If the required equipment is not in the drop-down list you can manually enter the new equipment into this field.

· If the required equipment is not in the drop-down list you can manually enter the new equipment into this field. · A message will appear asking if you would like to Create New. · Select Yes.

· To enter any notes regarding the equipment, simply double click in the notes field to load the notes screen. · Add relevant notes. These may relate to the equipment use, transport, storage etc. · To add a date to the notes, click on the Add Date button. · Select 'OK' to save the notes entered.

· Select the 'Services' Tab. · Select a Representative from the Rep drop down list. Refer to Reps for further info on allocating a rep to an area. · Select a Service this Representative will provide from the Service drop down list. · Select the Rating e.g. Preferred, Good, OK etc.

· If you have no Rep allocated to the area the Customer is in, you will receive the following message to prompt you to allocate a Rep to the required area.

· Select the 'Referrals' Tab. · Select the Customer/s that this client has referred to you from the drop-down list. NB: A Customer must first be created to enable selection from this list. You are unable to enter new data into this field.

· The phone and fax numbers will auto fill from the Customer card selected.

· To use different numbers, double-click in the Phone or Fax fields. · A Contact data screen will load to enable alteration of an existing Contact or entry of new contact details.

· To select multiple contacts, hold down the 'Ctrl' key and click on the required contacts. · To select all of the contacts, click the 'Select All' tick box.

· To send a Letter to the selected Contacts select the 'Letters' Button. · A Report Selection window will open. · Select the letter(s) you wish to print or preview and select OK.

· If you have no report template created the following message will appear. · Refer to Report Designer for instructions.

· If you do have a Referral letter template created, a letter for each selected customer will auto load ready to be printed.

· Select the Skills Tab. · To add a Skill, select from the Description drop down list. · To create a new Skill, click into the Description field and manually enter the new skill, selecting the skill level, expiry date etc as required.

· Select the 'Jobs' Tab. · All Jobs created for this Customer will be listed.

· To view the details of a Job/s, double-click on the job to drill-down into it. · Changes can be made to the job if required, then select the 'Save' button to ensure the changes are stored. Refer to Customer List for further details on creating jobs.

· Select the 'Follow Up' Tab. · Select the follow up date from the date selector, enter Notes re the follow-up. The date and time of the notes entry will auto load, as will the name of the logged in employee entering the follow-up.

· Tick the Done box once the Follow Up has been actioned.

· To add repeats of the Follow Up, select the 'Repeat' button.

· Select if you want the repeat to be by Day, Week or Month. e.g. Select week, every 3 on a Tuesday. This will repeat the follow-up every three weeks. · Choose the 'Base Date', this is the date from which the interval begins. · Choose the 'End Date', this is the date at which the repeat reminders will end. NB: The dates that the repeat follow-up's are due will be listed between the Base Date and the Final Date fields.

· Select how you would like variable situations handled for the following options:

  • 'If Day is Saturday', 'If Day is Sunday' and 'If Day is Holiday'.
  • Post the follow up will be created regardless of when it is to be actioned.
  • Drop the follow up will not be created for that date, it will be dropped entirely.
  • Shift After this will move the follow up to the next business day.
  • Shift Before - this will move the follow up to the previous business day.

· Select the 'Holiday' button to add a Public Holiday date. · Enter the date and description of the Public Holiday. · Click the Save button.

· Once you have completed setting up your repeat follow-ups, select OK to save the entry. · The following message will load 'Inserted 3 Repeats into Customer Followup table', advising the user of what they have just created.

· All your repeat follow-ups will load into your follow-up list.

· Select the 'Service Cycle' button to Add/Modify Service Cycles. This will open the 'Auto Service Cycle Description' entry window. · Enter the description of the required Service Cycle e.g. Motor-vehicle Service, Refrigeration Service, Gas Service etc. · Select SAVE

· The 'Repeat' screen will load prompting the entry of the required date/s of the service · Select if you want the repeat to be by Day, Week or Month. e.g. Select 'Month', every 4, 1 day after start of month. · Choose the 'Base Date', this is the date from which the interval begins. · Choose the 'End Date', this is the date at which the repeat reminders will end. NB: The dates that the repeat services are due will be listed between the Base Date and the Final Date fields.

· Select how you would like variable situations handled for the following options:

'If Day is Saturday', 'If Day is Sunday' and 'If Day is Holiday'. Post the follow up will be created regardless of when it is to be actioned. Drop the follow up will not be created for that date, it will be dropped entirely. Shift After this will move the follow up to the next business day. Shift Before - this will move the follow up to the previous business day.

· Once you have completed setting up your repeat service cycles, select OK to save the entry. · The following message will load 'Inserted 2 Service Cycle Repeats into Customer follow-up table', advising the user of what they have just created.

· Select the 'Special Prods' Tab. · Select Product Name from drop down list.

· 'Original Price' auto fills from the product card and cannot be altered from this screen. · 'Line Price' auto fills from the product card, however this is where you enter the 'Special Price' for this Customer. Therefore every time this Customer is invoiced from the products listed here, they will be charged the line price. NB: The Line Price is a GST exclusive figure.

· 'Used in Run' - Tick this check box to add this product to the Customer's delivery run. · 'Add New Product' button add any will load a new line for entry of a new product from the drop-down list.

· Enter a % discount into the 'Permanent Discount (%)' field if you wish to offer this Customer a discount for all purchases. e.g. This Customer will now receive a 5% discount on all goods purchased.

· Enter a % discount into the 'Special Product Discount (%)' field if you wish to offer this Customer a discount on all the items listed in the Special Product list. e.g. This Customer will now receive a 2% discount when they purchase an item listed in their Special Product list. NB The discount will come off their Line Price. Therefore if you wish to discount the 2% from the original price, don't alter the line price once the product is loaded.

· Select the Group Disc Tab. · Select the 'Manufacture', 'Type', 'Dept' from the drop down lists. You do NOT have to select all three columns, just the criteria you wish to allocate a discount to. NB: These headers refer to Columns 1, 2, 3 from within your Product card. They may be name differently. Refer preferences/inventory for further instructions on renaming the headings. · Enter the % discount you wish to allocate to the selected criteria of product. In this example this Customer will receive a 5% discount on any product that falls under the selected group criteria.

· To ensure that this discount is paramount over all other discounts within the system, tick 'Group Discount Overrides All Discounts'.

· Select the 'History' Tab to display a full range of reports relating to this Customers history. · This screen automatically defaults to the Appointments list for the Customer. · The choice of reporting options within this screen cover: Appointments, AR Notes, Calls (If Call Monitoring is activated), Hired Items, Invoices, Job Profit, Loyalty, Payroll Jobs, Product Sales, Quotes, Sales Orders, Statements, Timesheet. · Select the radio button relating to the topic you wish to view the history of.

· Select the 'Calls' radio button and you will be prompted with the following message if you haven't got Call Monitoring enabled.

· If you have Call Monitoring enabled, a list of telephone calls for this customer will display.

NB. This function requires a digital telephone system that has been linked to ERP.

· You have the ability to replay any recordings of calls with this customer, by using the audio control buttons. Knowledge of local legislation on recording phone calls is advised.

· All of the lists available for selection via a radio button within this screen, give the user the ability to 'Search Column', 'Search Text' (Full List, Like, Starts With), Select date range From To, Export the list and Print the list.

· Select the Contacts Tab. · The Customer Contacts are displayed here. By default the contact entered into the main tab of a Customer Card will display as the first Contact. · To modify details of an existing contact, double click in one of the fields for that Contact, or highlight the Contact and select the 'Edit' button to load the Contact data entry screen.

· Once the modifications are complete, select the 'Save' button to close. · If you wish to create a 'New' contact after modify this one, select the 'New' button at bottom of screen and a new contact screen will load, automatically saving the contact you have just modified.

· To enter additional Contacts, select the 'New' button. · A contact data entry window will load with the Company Name and phone numbers loaded. · Add the New Contact details and select the 'Save' button. · Repeat the above steps for each additional contact required.

· The New Contact will now display in the Contact list.

· To send a letter to a Contact, highlight the Contact. · Select the 'Letter' button.

· The document reference window will load. · Add a reference for this letter and select the 'Save' button.

· MS Word opens a new document using a letter template from ERP with the Customer and Contact details inserted. · Complete the letter content, Save the document ready to send to the Customer. The document will be stored under the 'Documents' tab.

· To send a fax to the Contact, highlight the Contact · Select the 'Fax' button.

· The document reference detail window opens. Add a reference for this letter and select the 'Save' button.

· MS Word opens a new document using a Fax Template from ERP. The Customer Contact details will be inserted. · You can now proceed to complete the fax content, then 'Save' the document ready to be faxed to the Customer. The document will be stored under the 'Documents' tab. · If you have 'Fax Setup' completed (refer Preferences/Utilities), and you have the correct hardware and software installed, your fax will be electronically sent.

· To send an email to the Contact, highlight the Contact · Select the 'Email' button.

· The document reference detail window opens. Add a reference for this email and select the 'Save' button.

· MS Word opens a new document using an email template from ERP with the Customer Contact details inserted. · You can now proceed to complete the email content, 'Save' the document ready to email to the customer. · If you have configured your email details, refer Preferences/Utilities, and you have the correct software installed, your email will be automatically sent.

· Select the Documents Tab. · Documents originating from within ERP and sent to the Customer are stored here. Note the letters created above are listed here. You can drill into these at any time to view the document.

· Attaching documents is simple.

· Minimise ERP · Find the document you wish to attach to this file · Left click, hold and drag the document over the minimised ERP icon on your Windows toolbar · ERP will re-load · Still holding the document move the mouse into the Attachment field then drop the file

· To open a document or attachment, simply double-click on them.

· Select the 'Custom Fields' Tab. · Custom Fields gives the user the ability to create new data entry fields. · To create a new Custom Field select the 'Add Labels' button.

· Add a name to the 'Label' field. · Select the areas of ERP the field is to appear in. · If you want details to be required in the field, select the 'Required' tick box.

· If the field requires a drop down menu, select the field, then tick the 'Enable DropDown' box. · Enter the menu for the drop-down as required for the selected field.

· Date Fields require a label name and selection of area to appear in ERP. · Select the 'Field Set 2' button to view further selection criteria.

· 'Field Set 2' button loads a 2nd screen with Hire as an option. · To return to front screen select the 'Field Set 1' button. · Once your set-up is complete select SAVE.

· The newly created fields are now available for selection within your Customer card etc. If 'required' was selected against a field, then you will not be able to Save out of the Customer Card until the field has been selected.

· Your Customer set-up is complete, select SAVE to close and save your new Customer.

· The buttons down the side of your Customer Card: 'Save', 'Cancel', 'New', 'Shipping', 'Notes', 'Print', 'Convert to Supplier' and the tick boxes: 'Don't Contact', 'Customer is Active'.

· 'Save' Saves the changes you have made to the Customer Card before closing. · 'Cancel' Cancels any changes and closes the Customer Card without saving. · 'New' Auto loads a 'New Customer' card, saving the changes to the Customer Card you have open.

· 'Shipping' Loads a Shipping List screen, enabling the user to enter multiple Shipping Addresses for the same Customer. Refer Invoice for details of loading. · Select the 'New' button to enter a new Shipping Address for this Customer.

· Enter the new shipping address. · The 'Select From List' will load addresses from the Shipping List once entered. These addresses are entered from all Customers therefore if you have multiple Customers with the same shipping address, e.g. A Port then you can select the address from this drop-down list.

· The 'Locations' tab allows you to manually enter a list of new locations. · Once your Shipping address details and locations are entered, select OK.

· The new address is now listed in the Shipping Address List. · You have the ability to edit the address if required. · Once you have entered all required addresses, select CLOSE. · As per all lists in ERP, this list is Customisable, Exportable and Printable.

· The 'Notes' button refers to the 'Notes' field on the Customer Info tab of a Customer Card. If you are in a Customer tab other than 'Customer Info', selecting the 'Notes' button will take you directly to the 'Notes' field on the Customer Info tab.

· The 'Print' button will enable you to print vital Customer data.

· Ticking the 'Don't Contact' box will ensure this Customer is NOT contacted when mail outs are generated. Refer CRM for further details. · 'Customer is Active' ensures the Customer is available for selection within the drop-down list of and invoice, sales order etc. A Customer cannot be made in-active if they have a current balance outstanding on their account.

· Selecting the 'Convert to Supplier' button will load the Customer details into the Supplier list. Once selected the button is greyed out. · ERP Customer List and Supplier List display an AR, an AP and a Total Balance column to ensure the user can identify receivables and payables at a glance.