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Equipment List

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Revision as of 13:15, 24 June 2011 by Simon Clive (Talk | contribs)

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The Equipment List is a list of all equipment you work on.

An item of Equipment is "generic" (eg. Ford falcon) until attached to a customer which can be done from the Customer screen or a repair. Once attached the specific item can be given a registration number or serial number to identify it. In this example you may have 20 customers with a Ford Falcon but Ford Falcon would only appear in the Equipment list once

How to view the Equipment List

  • Select the Workshop module
  • Select Equipment List button
  • Click on the Equipment Description for the type equipment that you want to see more details on

Equipment Parts List

  • Select an equipment from the Equipment List and select Details button
  • You can now see the Equipment Spare Parts list for this equipment.

Equipment Spare Parts are items from the Products List that are likely to be used or are related to the equipment that you service. eg. An oil filter that is replaced most times a vehicle is serviced would be on the Equipment Spare Parts list for the vehicle. Being on this list makes identifying the part during a repair quicker and ensures that it is included on the repair invoice.

  • Select New button to add a new part from the Products List
  • The spare parts are now available from within the Repairs List

Adding Equipment Spare Parts to a repair

  • Select a Repair from the Repairs List
  • Select the Product tab
  • Select the Equipment Field and select the equipment
  • You will now be able to see the list of spare parts listed for this equipment
  • Select a part and Close to add to the Repair
  • Add the quantity and Save

Ways Lists in ERP can be Manipulated: