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  • 13:41, 30 June 2011 (diff | hist) . . (+593). . N 5 Setting Invoice(Created page with "Setting Invoice When creating a Manifest Allocation List, you need to tell the invoice to go to Manifest Allocation. How do you do this? The Manifest Allocation List is a lis...")
  • 13:40, 30 June 2011 (diff | hist) . . (+524). . N 4 Create a Route(Created page with "Creating a Manifest Route Can you create a manifest route? Once you have created your vehicles you need to create some routes. How to create a manifest route Select Deliver...")
  • 13:40, 30 June 2011 (diff | hist) . . (+361). . N 3 Create a Vehicle(Created page with "Create a Vehicle Can you create a vehicle? The first step in using Delivery is to create one or more vehicles. How to create a vehicle Select Delivery Tab Select Manifest Veh...")
  • 13:39, 30 June 2011 (diff | hist) . . (+654). . N 2 Main Screen View(Created page with "Main Screen View How do you add delivery to the Main Screen menu? The delivery module is included in every copy of ERP Software however because it is not used universally it is...")
  • 13:38, 30 June 2011 (diff | hist) . . (+571). . N 1 Enable Delivery(Created page with "Enabling Delivery Module Do you know how to enable the Delivery module? The delivery module is included in every copy of ERP Software however because it is not used universally...")
  • 13:38, 30 June 2011 (diff | hist) . . (+1,730). . 24 Delivery
  • 13:37, 30 June 2011 (diff | hist) . . (+27). . 24 Delivery
  • 13:36, 30 June 2011 (diff | hist) . . (+382). . N 24 Delivery(Created page with "<menu name="myMenu" align="center"> Answers= 1 Enable Delivery 2 Main Screen View 3 Create a Vehicle 4 Create a Route 5 Setting Invoice [[6 Manifest Option On...")
  • 13:00, 30 June 2011 (diff | hist) . . (+1,562). . N 32 Invoiced Repairs(Created page with "Invoiced Repairs How do you view a list of invoiced repairs? When a repair has been invoiced it is flagged as Converted. The repair list allows you to view all repairs with mul...")
  • 12:59, 30 June 2011 (diff | hist) . . (+479). . N 31 Flag as Done(Created page with "Flag as Done Why would you flag the repair as Done? A repair can include costs for products, services from timesheets and other time charges. Once the repair is completed th...")
  • 12:59, 30 June 2011 (diff | hist) . . (+423). . N 30 Repair to Invoice(Created page with "Repair to Invoice How do you create an invoice from a repair? A repair can include costs for products, services from timesheets and other time charges. Once the repair is com...")
  • 12:58, 30 June 2011 (diff | hist) . . (+267). . 29 Attachments
  • 12:56, 30 June 2011 (diff | hist) . . (+490). . N 28 Notes(Created page with "Notes Where do you do notes to suit? Within a repair you can add notes in two ways. You can type in a note which will be time/date stamped or you can add an attachment<LinkId...")
  • 12:56, 30 June 2011 (diff | hist) . . (+820). . N 27 Follow Ups(Created page with "Follow-ups Can you enter a follow-up for another employee? Creating an appointment from the repairs screen updates both the repair and your calendar from a single point. A fo...")
  • 12:55, 30 June 2011 (diff | hist) . . (+898). . N 26 Time Cost and Changes(Created page with "Time Cost and Charges Can you load service charge outs as part of the Time Sheet? Creating an appointment from the repairs screen updates both the repair and your calendar fro...")
  • 12:55, 30 June 2011 (diff | hist) . . (+767). . N 25 Timesheet(Created page with "Timesheet Where do the times from the appointment display on the Repair? Creating an appointment from the repairs screen updates both the repair and your calendar from a singl...") (current)
  • 12:54, 30 June 2011 (diff | hist) . . (+619). . N 24 Appointment to Repair(Created page with "Appointment to Repair How do you load appointment times back to the repair? Creating an appointment from the repairs screen updates both the repair and your calendar from a sin...")
  • 12:41, 30 June 2011 (diff | hist) . . (+42). . 22 Workshop
  • 12:39, 30 June 2011 (diff | hist) . . (+739). . N 19 Job Budgets(Created page with "Job Budgets How do you view the budget with a job? The Job Budgets screen shows you a comparison of your actual figure to your budgeted figures for a specified Job and shows t...") (current)
  • 12:39, 30 June 2011 (diff | hist) . . (+721). . N 18 Budget v Actual(Created page with "Budget v Actual Can you see the Budget in a list form? Comparing the actual figures achieved to the budgeted figures can be done in the Budget_Profit_and_Loss<LinkId=1140> repo...") (current)
  • 12:38, 30 June 2011 (diff | hist) . . (+662). . N 17 Account List(Created page with "Account List Can you see which accounts have a budget set against them? The Account List for Budget shows you a list of all accounts that have a budget set against them. Becaus...") (current)
  • 12:38, 30 June 2011 (diff | hist) . . (+843). . N 16 Profit and Loss(Created page with "Profit & Loss How do you add a budget to your Profit & Loss? The Budget Profit And Loss screen shows you a comparison of your actual figure to your budgeted figures and shows ...") (current)
  • 12:37, 30 June 2011 (diff | hist) . . (+1,440). . N 15 Budget Variation(Created page with "Budget Variation How do you make a variation to the budget using the variation screen? There will be times when budgets need to be changed either for circumstantial or seasonal...") (current)
  • 12:37, 30 June 2011 (diff | hist) . . (+1,109). . N 14 Adjusting Individually(Created page with "Adjusting Individually Can you open each period and adjust it? All of your Budgets, both active and inactive can be viewed, opened and adjusted in the Budget List. This list i...") (current)
  • 12:36, 30 June 2011 (diff | hist) . . (+987). . N 13 Viewing Each Period(Created page with "Viewing Each Period How do you open each period? All of your Budgets, both active and inactive can be viewed and opened in the Budget List. This list is subject to a Date_Ran...") (current)
  • 12:36, 30 June 2011 (diff | hist) . . (+1,125). . N 12 View All(Created page with "View All How do you display all of your periods for each budget? All of your Budgets, both active and inactive can be viewed and opened in the Budget List. This list is subje...") (current)
  • 12:35, 30 June 2011 (diff | hist) . . (+658). . N 11 Budget List(Created page with "Budget List Where can you view your actual budgets? All of your Budgets, both active and inactive can be viewed and opened in the Budget List. This list is subject to a Date_...") (current)
  • 12:35, 30 June 2011 (diff | hist) . . (+684). . N 10 Budget Definition List(Created page with "Budget Definition List Where can you view all of your defined budgets? All of your defined Budgets, both active and inactive can be viewed and opened in the Budget Definition ...") (current)
  • 12:34, 30 June 2011 (diff | hist) . . (+1,028). . N 9 Copying Accross Periods(Created page with "Copying Across Periods Do you know how to copy these values to all periods? The first period for a budget is effectively a template on which future periods will be modelled. ...") (current)
  • 12:34, 30 June 2011 (diff | hist) . . (+883). . N 8 Values for a Period(Created page with "Values For a Period Do you understand that you are loading just the values for this period? The first period for a budget is effectively a template on which future periods will...") (current)
  • 12:33, 30 June 2011 (diff | hist) . . (+507). . N 7 For a Job(Created page with "For a Job How do you activate the budget for a job? By default, a new budget is purely date based. You can however define the budget more tightly on a job by job basis. This i...") (current)
  • 12:33, 30 June 2011 (diff | hist) . . (+711). . N 6 First Period(Created page with "First Period Where do you set up the first period? The first period for a budget is effectively a template on which future periods will be modelled. Having defined_the_budget<...") (current)
  • 12:32, 30 June 2011 (diff | hist) . . (+639). . N 5 Descriptions(Created page with "Descriptions Can you alter the Amount Headings? You can define two scenarios within each budget definition, labled internally as Amount 1 and Amount 2. These could be thought...") (current)
  • 12:32, 30 June 2011 (diff | hist) . . (+687). . N 4 Departments(Created page with "Departments Where do you choose which department a Budget is for? If you have created departments or cost centres you will want to run seperate budgets for different cdepartmen...") (current)
  • 12:31, 30 June 2011 (diff | hist) . . (+1,320). . N 3 Periods(Created page with "Periods How do you define over what time the budget is for? When defining a budget there are three time related peices of information that are critical to getting the informati...") (current)
  • 12:30, 30 June 2011 (diff | hist) . . (+114). . N 2 Budget On(Created page with "Budget On What 2 things can you create a budget on? A budget can be for Accounts, Jobs or a combination of both.") (current)
  • 12:30, 30 June 2011 (diff | hist) . . (+1,405). . N 1 Define a Budget(Created page with "Define a Budget How do you define a Budget? Select the Budget definition button displayed within the Budget Tab The New Budget Definition screen appears The Budget name field i...") (current)
  • 12:29, 30 June 2011 (diff | hist) . . (+2,005). . 23 Budgets
  • 12:28, 30 June 2011 (diff | hist) . . (+27). . 23 Budgets
  • 12:27, 30 June 2011 (diff | hist) . . (+455). . N 23 Budgets(Created page with "<menu name="myMenu" align="center"> Answers= 1 Define a Budget 2 Budget On 3 Periods 4 Departments 5 Descriptions 6 First Period 7 For a Job [[8 Value...")
  • 12:16, 30 June 2011 (diff | hist) . . (+1,595). . N 34 Creating Jobs(Created page with "Creating Jobs Can you create a repair within a Job, within a Customer? You can create a job for a specific project you are carrying out for a customer. are building a tw...") (current)
  • 12:15, 30 June 2011 (diff | hist) . . (+1,562). . N 33 Invoiced Repairs(Created page with "Invoiced Repairs How do you view a list of invoiced repairs? When a repair has been invoiced it is flagged as Converted. The repair list allows you to view all repairs with mul...") (current)
  • 12:14, 30 June 2011 (diff | hist) . . (+479). . N 32 Flag as Done(Created page with "Flag as Done Why would you flag the repair as Done? A repair can include costs for products, services from timesheets and other time charges. Once the repair is completed th...")
  • 12:14, 30 June 2011 (diff | hist) . . (+423). . N 31 Repair to Invoice(Created page with "Repair to Invoice How do you create an invoice from a repair? A repair can include costs for products, services from timesheets and other time charges. Once the repair is com...") (current)
  • 12:13, 30 June 2011 (diff | hist) . . (+780). . N 30 Attachments(Created page with "Attachments How do you drop attachments on to a repair? Within a repair you can add notes in two ways. You can type_in_a_note<LinkId=1106> which will be time/date stamped or ...") (current)
  • 12:12, 30 June 2011 (diff | hist) . . (+490). . N 29 Notes(Created page with "Notes Where do you do notes to suit? Within a repair you can add notes in two ways. You can type in a note which will be time/date stamped or you can add an attachment<LinkId...") (current)
  • 12:11, 30 June 2011 (diff | hist) . . (+820). . N 28 Follow Ups(Created page with "Follow-ups Can you enter a follow-up for another employee? Creating an appointment from the repairs screen updates both the repair and your calendar from a single point. A fo...") (current)
  • 12:11, 30 June 2011 (diff | hist) . . (+898). . N 27 Time Cost and Changes(Created page with "Time Cost and Charges Can you load service charge outs as part of the Time Sheet? Creating an appointment from the repairs screen updates both the repair and your calendar fro...") (current)
  • 12:02, 30 June 2011 (diff | hist) . . (+767). . N 26 Timesheet(Created page with "Timesheet Where do the times from the appointment display on the Repair? Creating an appointment from the repairs screen updates both the repair and your calendar from a singl...") (current)
  • 12:01, 30 June 2011 (diff | hist) . . (+619). . N 25 Appointment to Repair(Created page with "Appointment to Repair How do you load appointment times back to the repair? Creating an appointment from the repairs screen updates both the repair and your calendar from a sin...") (current)

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