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A Refund is created in order to receive products back from customers to give them money back or credit their account. A Refund works just as a negative Invoice and is a 'posting financial transaction' (it will 'touch' your accounts in the system).

Refunds must contain products (that in ERP, can be items, groups, services, projects, etc.). If the product is an Inventory Type or a Group item, the stock level will increase after a Refund is saved.

You can refund a customer by crediting their account, or by refunding them with the same method that they paid you, i.e. cash, credit card etc.

How To Create a Refund

  • Select the 'Refund' button displayed within the Sales Tab
  • Select a 'Customer' from the drop-down list

You will notice that the Customer's Address will flow through from the Customer's Card into the Refund form

The following fields in the Refund form will be populated from the Customer's Card:

- Refund To - Department - Terms

NB: You can manually change any of the above fields if you wish

  • If necessary, change the Department using the drop-down list. The accounting figures of this Refund will flow

through to this Department.

  • If necessary, change the employee responsible to this Invoice using the 'Employee' drop-down list
  • If necessary, change the payment term for this Refund in the Terms drop-down list. This is used when you are

crediting the customer's account.

When you change the Terms, the Due Date field will change accordingly to reflect that term.

  • Select a Product using the Name drop-down field.

When you select a product, its details populate from the Product Card into its line in the Invoice.

  • If necessary, change the unit type from the 'Unit' drop-down list.
  • Type in the quantity the customer wants in the 'Qty' field.
  • Press the down arrow in your keyboard ( ) to add more products to the Refund
  • Select the Payment Method of this Refund
  • If it is to be credited to the customer's account, leave the 'Invoice' checkbox ticked
  • If the Customer requires payment immediately, untick the 'Invoice' checkbox and select the payment method

from the 'Payment Method' drop-down list.

  • The Refund is done now. You can now save it, preview it or print it.

Saved Refunds will appear in the Invoice List.