Customer General Tab
From TrueERP wiki
In the General tab you can record you can record customer specific information and preferences and whether any other customers are related.
How To Use General Tab
- Select Sales
- Select Customer List
- Select the customer you want to update
- Select General Tab
- Creation Date - this is the date the customer is created selected from a drop down list
- Shipping Method - This is the default shipping method to be used for this customer
- Picking Priority - A higher the priority set here means this customers orders have preferential treatment over
other orders for Barcode Picking
- Default Invoice Template - Choose a template here to override the system default for this customer only
- Default Delivery Template - Choose a template here to override the system default for this customer only
- Area Number - Used to assign a Rep
- Related Customers form a Parent/Child relationship. Both Parent and Child can be invoiced, however only the Parent
will be issued with a statement. NB: If the Parent/Child relationship changes, all transactions created whilst the relationship existed will remain on the Parent statement until they are paid.
- Source - Select from drop down list the source of this business
- Representative - Select from drop down list a Rep to service this customer
- Phone Support Until - Used to add customer to Support Log. Support calls can only be logged until the date set.
- Sales Comments - Tick the PopUp box to display this message ONLY on screen when making a sale to the customer.
If not ticked the message will print on Sales Orders and Invoices.
- Delivery Notes - Information to print on all Delivey Dockets for this customer