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Print Invoices

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The Print Invoices button is located on the Sales tab. Within the Print Invoices screen the user has the ability to view all invoices that have already been printed, and/or view the list of all non printed invoices. From here you can select the invoices you want to Print, Fax, Email or Auto Send to your Customers.

How to use Print Invoices

  • Select the Print Invoices button displayed in the Sales tab
  • The Invoices created within the default date range will be displayed
  • Select the date range required by changing the 'From' and 'To' dates to display all un-printed invoices from that


  • Select the 'Show Printed' tick box to display all invoices within the selected date range, included those that have

already been printed

  • The 'Search Column', 'Search Text', 'Add to Filter', 'Execute Filter', 'Clear Filter' are standard ERP functions.

Refer to Global Features for further instructions.

  • To select a number of individual Invoices to print "Hold down Ctrl and click to toggle Invoice".
  • Select the "Select All" button to select the entire list of Invoices displayed in the date range you have selected.
  • Select the "Unselect All" button to clear the current selection of Invoices displayed in the date range you have


  • Once you have selected the Invoices you wish to print, you can choose the method of delivery to your Customer,

i.e. 'Auto Send' (defaults to Email, Fax or print in that order depending on available contact information in customer file), 'Print' (to mail invoice to Customer), 'Fax' (refer to Email Fax Server for correct fax set-up), 'Email' (refer to preferences for correct email set-up).

  • Selecting the 'Show Printed' tick box will now display the invoices you have just printed. They will be marked with

a tick in the Printed column