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Purchase Order

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The Purchase Order Button gives the user the ability to create a new Purchase Order within the ERP interface.

How To Create a New Purchase Order

  • From the Purchases Tab, Select the 'Purchase Order' Button
  • Select the name of the Supplier from the 'Supplier Name' Dropdown Box
  • Select a Foreign Currency Code (if Applicable) and the current Exchange Rate
  • Select the Product you wish to add to the Purchase order by typing the Product Name into the 'Name' Field

An alternative to select a product to insert into the Purchase Order is to double click on the 'Name' field to open the Product List, Search for the Product and double click the Product to insert it into the Purchase Order

  • If the Product is to be purchased for a particular 'Department', Type the Department Name into the 'Department'

Field (If Applicable)

  • Select the applicable Units of Measure from the 'Units' Dropdown
  • Type in the Quantity you wish to order in the 'Qty' Field
  • In the case that the product price has changed type the new Price into the 'Cost(Ex)'
  • If the product is for a specific Customer or Job type the Customer's Name into the 'Customer: Job' Field
  • Push the 'Tab' Key on your Keyboard to Tab through to the next line

Repeat the above process steps to insert multiple products into the Purchase Order.

  • Click 'Save' to Complete the Purchase Order Transaction

Alternatively if you select either the 'Preview' or 'Print' Buttons you will have the ability to view & print your Purchase Orders.

How To Receive a Created Purchase Order

  • From the Purchases Tab, Select the 'Purchase Order List' Button
  • Select the 'BO List' Button - This will take you from the Purchase Order List to the Backordered Purchase Order


  • From within the Backordered Purchase Order List, Search the applicable Backordered Purchase Order using the
  • Search
  • Text Field at the top of the Backordered Purchases Window
  • Double-Click to select the applicable Purchase Order you wish to receive stock into ERP from.
  • To Receive the purchased stock into the ERP system, select the received area of the product and type in the

amount that has been received into stock

  • Place the Supplier Invoice Number and the Invoice Date into the applicable fields within the Purchase Order.
  • Click 'Save' to Complete the Purchase Order Transaction