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== Overview ==
== Overview ==
The Invoice List is a report on all the invoices created within your ERP database. This list is directly linked to the
Back Order by Invoice list at the touch of a button. The ability to set a specific 'Service Cycle' for a Customer is
another valuable feature available to you within the Invoice List. The Invoice List displays the Total Amount per invoice
as well as the overall Total Amount of all Invoices listed within the Date Range you have selected as your criteria.
Viewing any deleted invoices in your system is made easy, again at the touch of a button, from within the Invoice List.
Ways Lists in ERP can be Manipulated:
*[[Filtering Lists]]
*[[Searching f5 f6 f7]]
*[[Customising Lists]]
*[[Report Printing Options]]
*[[Export Data]]
'''How to use Invoice List'''
*Select the Sales tab
*Select the Invoice List button
*Standard functions like Filtering; Searching;  Date Range Selection; Customise; Export; Print; Drillable. are
available within the Invoice List. Refer to Global Features for further instructions on how to use these functions
*The ability to move columns to the positions of your choice is as simply as click and drag. Refer to Global Features
for further instructions. The 'Paid' column has been positioned as the first column for convenience. This view will
each time this user selects the Invoice List button.
*NB: Some letters are underlined within all ERP screens. If you are a keyboard person rather than a mouse person,
this functionality is for you
*To select some commands without using your mouse you can use the ALT function key and select the relevant
underlined letter on your keyboard to load the entry, e.g. to Close the Invoice List, select the ALT keyboard key
and the letter 'c' on your keyboard at the same time.
*Select the 'Deleted' button to load the 'Deleted Invoices' List.
*Double-click to drill into the actual transaction, i.e. Refund.
NB: To delete an Invoice or Refund in ERP you must delete each line entry on that invoice, therefore the remaining
balance is $0.00. Refer below to screenshot of this deleted Refund.
*Select each line of an Invoice or Refund then select the red 'X' in the top left of the entry screen to delete the Invoice
or Refund.
NB: Every line entry must be deleted for the transaction to be fully deleted.
*Select the 'Invoice List' button to re-load the Invoices List.
*The 'Total Amount (Ex)', 'Total Tax' and 'Total Amount (Inc)' are displayed per invoice listed.
*The Total Amount Ex, Tax and Inc of the combined total of the Invoices in the list are calculated and displayed at
the bottom of the relevant columns.
*The 'Total Records' is displayed at the bottom left of screen. This is only the total in accordance with the Date
Range or other selection criteria you have chosen.
*Select the 'BackOrder' button to load the list of current Back Orders by Invoice in the system.
*The Back Order list with automatically load with the 'Ignore Date Ranges' field tick. This ensures that you will be
presented with the full list of current back orders. Simply un-tick this field to select a specific Date Range.
*The Back Order list displays a list of every Product item that has been placed on Back Order. Therefore the
same invoice number may reoccur several times depending on how many products were back-ordered from that
Invoice, e.g. Inv 19 has 2 products on back order.

Latest revision as of 10:50, 3 March 2011


The Invoice List is a report on all the invoices created within your ERP database. This list is directly linked to the Back Order by Invoice list at the touch of a button. The ability to set a specific 'Service Cycle' for a Customer is another valuable feature available to you within the Invoice List. The Invoice List displays the Total Amount per invoice as well as the overall Total Amount of all Invoices listed within the Date Range you have selected as your criteria. Viewing any deleted invoices in your system is made easy, again at the touch of a button, from within the Invoice List.

Ways Lists in ERP can be Manipulated:

How to use Invoice List

  • Select the Sales tab
  • Select the Invoice List button
  • Standard functions like Filtering; Searching; Date Range Selection; Customise; Export; Print; Drillable. are

available within the Invoice List. Refer to Global Features for further instructions on how to use these functions correctly.

  • The ability to move columns to the positions of your choice is as simply as click and drag. Refer to Global Features

for further instructions. The 'Paid' column has been positioned as the first column for convenience. This view will re-load each time this user selects the Invoice List button.

  • NB: Some letters are underlined within all ERP screens. If you are a keyboard person rather than a mouse person,

this functionality is for you

  • To select some commands without using your mouse you can use the ALT function key and select the relevant

underlined letter on your keyboard to load the entry, e.g. to Close the Invoice List, select the ALT keyboard key and the letter 'c' on your keyboard at the same time.

  • Select the 'Deleted' button to load the 'Deleted Invoices' List.
  • Double-click to drill into the actual transaction, i.e. Refund.

NB: To delete an Invoice or Refund in ERP you must delete each line entry on that invoice, therefore the remaining balance is $0.00. Refer below to screenshot of this deleted Refund.

  • Select each line of an Invoice or Refund then select the red 'X' in the top left of the entry screen to delete the Invoice

or Refund.

NB: Every line entry must be deleted for the transaction to be fully deleted.

  • Select the 'Invoice List' button to re-load the Invoices List.
  • The 'Total Amount (Ex)', 'Total Tax' and 'Total Amount (Inc)' are displayed per invoice listed.
  • The Total Amount Ex, Tax and Inc of the combined total of the Invoices in the list are calculated and displayed at

the bottom of the relevant columns.

  • The 'Total Records' is displayed at the bottom left of screen. This is only the total in accordance with the Date

Range or other selection criteria you have chosen.

  • Select the 'BackOrder' button to load the list of current Back Orders by Invoice in the system.
  • The Back Order list with automatically load with the 'Ignore Date Ranges' field tick. This ensures that you will be

presented with the full list of current back orders. Simply un-tick this field to select a specific Date Range.

  • The Back Order list displays a list of every Product item that has been placed on Back Order. Therefore the

same invoice number may reoccur several times depending on how many products were back-ordered from that Invoice, e.g. Inv 19 has 2 products on back order.