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Importing Data

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Revision as of 17:27, 8 January 2013 by Simon Clive (Talk | contribs)

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ERP allows the import of data from a comma seperated values text file with the file extention "csv". The necessary format of a csv file is easiest seen by expoting the file for the data in question. See Export Data

It is essential to remember that any change of the Format of the file is likely to stop the data from being imported

How To Import Data

  • Format your data in a csv File as shown in Export Data
  • Save thecsv file and if editing in Excel close Excel (this is necessary to release the file)
  • In ERP select File on the Top Toolbar to the left of screen
  • From the drop down select Import and then Data
  • This will load the Import Data Mapping List
  • Select the New button to launch the Import Data Mapping form
  • Type in a Name for the Import, this is for reference purposes only
  • Select the Import Type from the drop down list. This must correspond with the Type of Data you wish to import EG. If you are Importing new products into ERP then the Import Type isProduct
  • Use the Browse button to select the File Name you wish to import
  • Select the Refresh button to load data into the grid ready to be Mapped ready for Importing.
  • If no Data loads then select a diferent Format radio button  to seperate the data and then Refresh.
  • Using the Example from file and Field Name from file as a guide, Select from the drop downs in the Map to Field column to Map the Data for Import. EG. Item Name could be Mapped to Product Name in ERP 
  • If there is any data that you dont want to import into ERP then leave the Map to Field Blank for this data column
  • When all of the data is ready for Import select the Test Import button to check the data is correctly Formated and Mapped for import into ERP.
  • If not a Pop Up will alert you of any issues that are blocking the Import. 

NB. Excel by default changes long numbers such as barcodes into scientific notation, it drops leading zeros in a number making phone numbers incorrect and your barcodes unusable.

Please always use the following steps to open ERP data files.

  • Open Excel/Open Office first.
  • In Excel go to File-Open and find the folder you have saved the ERP data file to
  • Change the file type to all files this is required because ERP uses the file extension, 'csv')
  • Double click on the ERP data file to launch the Text Import Wizard.
  • SelectNext
  • All Columns within the Data Preview need to be highlighted. The process to do this is move the scroll bar all the way to the right, hold down the shift key then with the mouse left click in the last column.
  • When all columns within the data preview have been selected, select Text from the Column Data Format and then select Finish.
  • This will ensure your data has not been re-formatted and will be ready for import

Do be aware that to generate a data file to import into ERP requires specific fields to be populated. If the generation of these files are required, please contact a ERP representative or your ERP support personnel.