Access Levels
From TrueERP wiki
Access Levels allow you to control which areas of ERP each employee can access and which data they can view, add, edit or delete.
How to use Access Levels:
- Select the Employee Module
- Select Access Levels button
- Select the employee name from the drop down menu select Copy From - to copy Access Levels from an employee already set up
- Or click on Default Option and select from the drop down menu the appropriate settings to suite the employee
- Select each Module on the left in turn and double click in the Access Level column required next to each specific row within that tab to flag it with either a Green Tick or Red Zero eg.. Accounts Can read Credit Card Numbers
No Access Cannot access at all
Read Only Can read only
Create & Read Can create and also read
Full without Delete Can create read but cannot delete a transaction
Full with Delete Can create read and delete transactions
- Ensure that you scroll all the way to the bottom of the page for each Module and ensure that an Acces Level has been allocated to every line
- Click Save
If you are looking for a Specific Access Level but are unsure which module it is in , the list can be searched with F5, F6 and F7 functionality
NB. Some Access Levels require a True or False response so either No Access or Full with Delete must be selected.