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Discounts & Pricing

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There are a number of ways that prices can be discounted in ERP. When creating a Quote, Sales Order, Cash Sale or Invoice the system will apply the lowest price available to the customer after considering all discounts available. The maximum discount allowed is defined in Preferences.

Where to Create Pricing Variations and Discounts?

Pricing can be set individually for each customer:

  • The 'Cost' pricing in your tree structure will pre-load from the costs associated with the individual products. Now when the product is sold, depending on those options and different pricing around those options, it will calculate the sell price.
  • In your BOM under the Unit Cost column you will find the price of each product. When completing a Sales Order the sell price may change depending on the Option products you select for each individual order. Therefore, the cost price will remain the same for your products but the sell price will vary depending on the materials needed to manufacture the product.

Pricing Based On Choice:

  • When creating the Sales Order you will be asked whether to take the item from existing stock or to manufacture it, if you have set the Product Source in Preferences. Your answer here will determine what the price of the product will be.
  • If you are Manufacturing a product to Order you will be presented with choices in the BOM which will alter the price of the finished product.
  • Any product held in Stock should have been built with Default Options and the price will be fixed accordingly.

Support Pricing:

1. Select Appointments

2. Select Support Pricing

3. Select Company from the drop down list

4. Enter rates and other details as required