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Supplier List

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Revision as of 16:58, 7 December 2015 by Omer Farooq (Talk | contribs)

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The Supplier List Button gives you the ability to view all your current suppliers and edit the details for each particular supplier within the list. Refer to Suppliers<LinkId=198> for further information.

Ways Lists in ERP can be Manipulated:

How To View the Supplier List

· Select the 'Supplier List' button displayed within the Purchases Tab · Select the 'Supplier Name' option from the 'Search Column' Drop-Down · Type the name of the Supplier in the 'Search Name' Field - The searched supplier will be highlighted

Note: From the Supplier List you have the ability to view the current 'Balance', view the main contact and view phone and fax numbers.

· Double Click on the Supplier to open the Supplier's contact card

From here you have the ability to edit the Supplier's details and add new or edit the Supplier's contacts.

Note: The Suppliers Name CAN NOT be changed, only the details within the Supplier can be changed (Addresses, Phone Numbers, Contacts ect.)

How to Merge Suppliers

In some circumstances you may need to merge two suppliers. eg. If a suppliers name has changed it is not possible to simply change the name in the supplier file as this is the unique identifyer for the record. You must create a new supplier with the new name and merge the old supplier into it.

  • Select Sales
  • Select Supplier List
  • Hold down the control key (Ctrl) and select the supplier name that you want to keep
  • Continue to hold down the control key and select the supplier you want merged into the first supplier
  • Right Click your mouse and select MERGE