Our Software Includes The Following Modules
TrueERP HRM & Employee
TrueERP Web Page Software that increases employee productivity & human resource management
Measure and increase employee Productivity. Real Time integration of Jobs, Sales, Timesheets and Rosters.To find out more about how to improve productivity with TrueERP's software suite contact us today for a free demo...
Complete details as required, to keep an accurate and extensive employee database or collection of information that is fully integrated with a complete business management and accounting system. This collection of information can be added to or deleted from depending on your requirements, even down to creating your own customisable fields and drop downs.Five Level Security Access
Employees can be assigned up to five different levels of access into each individual window, form or report, ranging from being able to delete a transaction through to no access at all. In addition you can create access level groups, simply assign individual staff members to a group and the security levels for that staff member are done.Fully Integrated
TrueERP is sold complete with every function, included in every package. When you use TrueERP, you have the incredible benefit of having access to every module that is in TrueERP, quickly and easily at your fingertips. By doing this, TrueERP ensures that every module is fully integrated; any data changes and additions to any module will immediately impact on any and every other module within TrueERP.Instant Reporting Features
You don't have to wait for end of month rollovers or batch updating anymore, your reports are instant and up to date to the mille-second. As an added bonus any piece of data that is displayed on any report can be simply drilled into, this fantastic feature will give you extensive detail of what makes up the value displayed, right back to being able to open the original transaction on the report.Rosters
TrueERP has a fully integrated roster module linked to selected employees. Assign all forms of leave on the roster, such as sick and annual leave, for any or all employees. Great for tracking which store and what times staff need to be at work.Clock On/Off
The Clock On, Clock Off feature allows Employers to track the 'Actual' times of each employee. Also has full reporting on who has turned up late or finished early. Combine this with the counter tracking system and you get an accurate picture of conversion ratios per staff member and what your staffing levels need to be at certain times of the day on certain days.Complete Employee Document Tracking
Keeps a record from within TrueERP of the exact location of every letter, fax or email sent to each and every individual employee. As TrueERP automatically interfaces with Microsoft Word, you simply select the letter option within TrueERP to automatically open Microsoft Word. TrueERP will then fill in the employee details and have the cursor ready to go, so you can just start typing. On saving the letter, TrueERP will store a link of where the letter is saved, so that at any time you simply select the link and again, TrueERP automatically re-opens the letter.Appointment Interfacing
When using the roster module with your reps, TrueERP will indicate on the appointment calendar when, by the roster entry, the rep is available or has been booked out. Again because TrueERP is a fully integrated system, the data need only be entered once to fully populate the rest of TrueERP.To Do List
Tasks can be assigned to different employees, who when logging on to their system, a screen will pop up to remind them to complete these tasks. These can be viewed and altered at any time and also reported on.Job Profitability Reports
Jobs can be fully reported on, at any time, right back to and including time sheet entry work for each staff member. This will give you all the costs associated with any job, from repairs to service work, products and services used, even labour costs from staff members.Auto Loading Reminders
As with the To Do List, when the staff are logging on to their system, a screen will pop up to remind them to complete these tasks or prompt them that they have appointments, quotes to finish, or follow-up calls to make etc. A great tool for ensuring that even the simplest thing that keeps getting overlooked is completed, efficiently and on time. There is a huge range of reminders and prompts that can be turned on or off as each staff member sees fit, enabling them to customise.Contact us today to arrange a free demo...

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TrueERP is a Global Organization with more than 6000 Customers and partners in over 14 Countries Around the World. An organization that has been delivering Business Software products and services that help accelerate business innovation for our customers, since 1994.