Our Software Includes The Following Modules
TrueERP Purchasing
TrueERP Purchasing Module
TrueERP gives you complete control of your purchasing and supply chain management. From automatic reorder triggers to auto selecting the cheapest supplier and tracking orders from shipping to stocking your shelves, TrueERP is the answer.Eliminate stock outs and order duplication. Efficient supply chain management means reduced costs, better efficiency and happier customers. To find out more about how to improve productivity with TrueERP's software suite contact us today for a free demo...
Instant Reporting Features
You don't have to wait for end of month rollovers or batch updating anymore, your reports are instant and up to date to the mille-second. As an added bonus any piece of data that is displayed on any report can be simply drilled into, this fantastic feature will give you extensive detail of what makes up the value displayed, right back to being able to open the original transaction on the report.Extensive Reporting Features
You can customise any one of the existing standard reports in TrueERP in hundreds of different ways. These reports can then be saved and viewed at any time. With an almost unlimited range of reports, using different printouts and styles that will allow a user to create a new report or modify any existing report and save as their own. Set your columns of data to not only total as a sum, but also display an average, a maximum or minimum value or any other range of totalling features. As an added bonus any piece of data that is displayed on any of these reports can be simply drilled into, this fantastic feature will give you extensive detail of what makes up the value displayed, right back to being able to open the original transaction on the report.Purchase Orders
Can be faxed, emailed or printed in multiple formats, all from the Purchase Order screen, The receipt of goods and the reconciliation of amount of invoice is all on the one form.Back Orders
Complete Back Ordering system, which will track, what is yet to be delivered by your suppliers. Individual back orders or combined, for each supplier.Combined Back Orders
Combine automatically, any orders for the one supplier. This is great feature for getting every order for the one supplier, on the one order. This ensures your bulk purchasing discounts are maximised.Unit Pricing
Products can be bought and sold in units. Units can be created as you see fit from pallets to tubs to container loads. Each unit can be a multiple of a single product, which will then track the product in all the range of units and also be reportable in this full range. ie. you could buy a product by the pallet but sell it by the box.TrueERP will tell you how many pallets and boxes you have of this product. Unit Pricing also gives you the ability to quote or display prices per unit (eg. Price per Kilogram).
Shipping Containers
Track your goods from the moment ordered, what ship they are on all the way to where they are stacked on your shelves.A fantastic feature for notifying everyone throughout the organisation instantly, where goods are at any time including what the estimated time of arrival is for any out of stock products.
Landed Cost
Costs against the container or purchase orders within the container can be treated as base cost or landed cost. You have the choice of applying all the expenses associated with the original order, or only applying a small number of them. Landed costs can be added to average costs giving you correct stock value.Bill
Is used to track any product that has been found faulty and needs to be returned to the supplier. This will also reduce the stock levels to reflect the missing product.Return Authorities
Also called a "Bill of Materials". This is where you can make a product from different, separate products. You can also have a group within a group or unlimited sub-products. No limits. Whenever one of these groups is sold, all the associated separate products are reduced by the number in the stock on hand list required to make the group.Supplier Discounting
Set-up each individual supplier's products, with volume purchase discount. Enter different prices for purchasing and selling, at different volume levels i.e. if you buy one of the products or if you buy fifty of the same product you can set a different price that will automatically load onto the purchase order at the time of ordering.Supplier History
An extensive and complete history of every Bill, Cheque, Purchase Order, Return Authority and Credit etc that you have with this supplier. These can at any time be simply drilled into to open the original transaction that makes up the report.Supplier Product Code Tracking
Purchase Orders can use either your product code or the supplier's product code. These can also be set to print with your code or theirs or both.Auto Supplier Price Updates
If the supplier changes when ordering a product, TrueERP will ask if you wish to update the product list automatically. By doing so it makes this supplier the preferred supplier. TrueERP is fully interactive to minimise the number of processes you have to follow to update information.Auto Price Adjustment
If altering a price on a purchase order, TrueERP will ask if you wish to update your price list to this new price ensuring that when the next purchase of this item is made, the last cost appears on the purchase order. TrueERP will also add, automatically, any new supplier of a product loading their codes and prices as well from the purchase order.Auto Re-Order
TrueERP will check your entire product list, including satellite stores and report on how may products you need to order for each store from each supplier. TrueERP will then automatically produce every Purchase Order for every different supplier as required.Memorise Any Transaction for Auto Loading
This will allow you to create any transaction such as an invoice, bill or cheque and memorise it. It will then automatically appear every week, month or quarter as required. This is a great feature for regular monthly payments like hire purchases etc.Template Design
TrueERP has one of the most user friendly, yet arguably the most powerful template designer modules built-in. Great for designing any printout of any form in any manner you choose, so you can have a Bill or Purchase Order or any number of printouts, to look anyway you choose, including logos, bar-codes and images.Contact us today to arrange a free demo...

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TrueERP is a Global Organization with more than 6000 Customers and partners in over 14 Countries Around the World. An organization that has been delivering Business Software products and services that help accelerate business innovation for our customers, since 1994.