Our Software Includes The Following Modules
TrueERP Inventory
TrueERP for Inventory Control
Whether you are a manufacturer, wholesaler or retailer, management of your inventory is critical to controlling your costs and ensuring the smooth operation of your business.To find out more about how to improve productivity with TrueERP's software suite contact us today for a free demo...
Product Discounting
Set up each individual customer, or groups of customers, to have either a one off discount, specific product discount, grouped product discounts, permanent discount or volume sales discounts. In fact there is over a dozen different ways of structuring discount and pricing options, from customers to suppliers to products.Volume Prices
Enter different prices for purchasing and selling, at different volume levels i.e. if you sell 1 of the product, or if you sell 50 of the same product, you can set a different price for differing quantities.TrueERP gives you real time information on current stock levels and values including stock on order, raw materials, work in progress and finished goods. In short, TrueERP provides you with an affordable Supply Chain Management solution.
Supplier Price and Code Listing
If you buy the same product from different suppliers, you can list their codes for the product, as well as all their different prices for the same product. This can be extended to the purchase order for the supplier, as it will print their supplier code on the purchase order, even if your product code is different from theirs.Stock Take
These can be done by a number of methods. 1. Directly entering the count into the program. 2. By exporting out to Microsoft Excel and adjusting the spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel, then importing the spreadsheet back into TrueERP and assigning an adjustment value account. 3. By the use of a handheld unit, this will interface directly with TrueERP. With the addition of a scanner, stock takes become a breeze to do and what would normally take a team of people eight hours to complete, can be accomplished in less than two hours with the scanner unit.Multiple Stores
TrueERP will automatically track stock levels, changes and updates across multiple stores. These updates can be run real time or any set period you choose i.e. every hour, twice a day, end of day or even once a week. TrueERP will allow you to order stock for individual stores or bulk order for all.Multiple Warehouses
Run multiple warehouses in TrueERP, including what level of stock is in each. Do instant reports, on what is where, and what is selling from any location. Sales people can see at a glance where stock can be easily located. TrueERP will allow you to order stock for individual warehouses, or bulk order for all. Prices can be varied by percentage or dollar value per warehouse allowing different pricing levels per location.Barcode Picking
This is undoubtedly one of the best automated warehouse features around, as it virtually removes human error in the warehouse picking and packing section. This module of TrueERP allows orders to be placed in the office, the warehouse then completes the order without touching the computer, by the use of a scanner. By scanning in their employee barcodes, the next prioritised picking slip will appear. TrueERP will then track how long it takes to pick the goods, and then how long it takes to pack the goods. In addition it will automatically count how many cartons or pallets are used to pack the goods in, with a complete record of what goods are in what carton. It will confirm that the correct amount of goods have been packed and once confirmed, will then automatically complete the invoice, print the required Consignment Notes, Delivery Dockets and Labels.Instant Reporting Features
You don't have to wait for end of month rollovers or batch updating anymore, your reports are instant and up to date to the mille-second. As an added bonus any piece of data that is displayed on any report can be simply drilled into, this fantastic feature will give you extensive detail of what makes up the value displayed, right back to being able to open the original transaction on the report.Product Discounting
Set up each individual customer, or groups of customers, to have either a one off discount, specific product discount, grouped product discounts, permanent discount or volume sales discounts. In fact there is over a dozen different ways of structuring discount and pricing options, from customers to suppliers to products.Groups / Kits / BOM
Also called a "Bill of Materials". This is where you can make a product from different, separate products. You can also have a group within a group or unlimited sub-products. No limits. Whenever one of these groups is sold, all the associated separate products are reduced by the number in the stock on hand list required to make the group.Batch Number Tracking
Will track all stock automatically as batch numbers, so that the oldest stock can be easily identified. Great for identifying which customer has brought a certain range, of a certain product, from a certain supplier. Useful for carpets, chemicals, or perishable items.Serial Number Tracking
Individual products can be tracked from purchasing to sales, with their own separate numbers. Keeps accurate records of exactly which customer has which product, when they brought it and who the supplier was that supplied it. Great for warranties etc.Batch Printing of Picking Slips
Prints location of stock within the warehouse by Rack number and Bin Location. You can also print all un-printed picking slips with one button, or each individual Picking Slip, as the need arises.Price Matrix
TrueERP has the ability to set a full pricing matrix. This area is completely customisable, so rather than just calling the sections Colour, Size and Shape you can give this area any label you choose.Price Matrix Quantities
TrueERP will track each and every matrix option and display in the one screen, what your choices are. This way you can see at a glance, how many of any product you have, in any combination as set by your matrix. I.e. in a certain range of shirts you have 6 white small, 4 white XL and 8 white XXL.Pop-up Notices
Set pop-up remainders per product. These are great as a reminder to your staff to on sell another product. I.e. if they buy a T-shirt, you should sell them a hat as well.Mass Price Updates
Prices can be altered on mass with the push of one button, by Department, Code, Group, etc. You can set adjustments as a fixed value or as a percentage change, as a positive or a negative. If you turn on a preference in TrueERP, any product cost change will automatically adjust the sell price, keeping the same margin as before the cost change.Price Movement Tracking
Any price movements to do with a product are clearly shown over a period of time, so that you can see over that period what changes there have been with the product. Also available in customers, as a selling price movement.Related Products
Used for auto loading any associated product automatically onto any transaction. I.e. when you sell a printer it will also load a printer cable. This can be extended to any level in that you can have a related product within a related product.Contact us today to arrange a free demo...

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