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== Overview ==
== Overview ==
Marketing Training
Marketing Training
Company:___________________________ Signed:____________________________
Name:___________________ Position:______________ Date: _____________
Company:___________________________      Signed:____________________________
Trainee to complete: Please tick
Name:___________________    Position:______________     Date: _____________
Trainee to complete:  Please tick
  1. [   ] CRM, Marketing and Sales
1. [ ] CRM, Marketing and Sales Do you understand how the CRM and Marketing modules link directly to Sales?
Do you understand how the CRM and Marketing modules link directly to Sales?
  2.  [  ]  Leads Module
Do you understand that a Lead is the key marketing tool for Sales integration?
  3. [   ] Marketing Reports
2. [ ] Leads Module Do you understand that a Lead is the key marketing tool for Sales integration?
What are the primary Ratio Reports in relation to Marketing?
  4. [   ] Marketing Contact
3. [ ] Marketing Reports What are the primary Ratio Reports in relation to Marketing?
What is the basic concept of a Marketing Contact and where does it link to?
  5. [   ] Prospects To Customers
4. [ ] Marketing Contact What is the basic concept of a Marketing Contact and where does it link to?
How is a Prospect created and how does a Prospect become a Customer?
  6. [   ] Telemarketing
5. [ ] Prospects To Customers How is a Prospect created and how does a Prospect become a Customer?
What is the main purpose of the Telemarketing section?
  7. [   ] Contact Range Selection
6. [ ] Telemarketing What is the main purpose of the Telemarketing section?
What is the Contact Selection Range used for and what does it link to?
  8. [   ] Telemarketing Selection
7. [ ] Contact Range Selection What is the Contact Selection Range used for and what does it link to?
Where does the Telemarketing data feed from, and where does it feed to?
  9. [   ] New Lead
8. [ ] Telemarketing Selection Where does the Telemarketing data feed from, and where does it feed to?
What are the different ways to create a Lead?
10. [   ] Edit Lead
9. [ ] New Lead What are the different ways to create a Lead?  
Within the Lead screen, how do you load the editable screen?
11. [   ] Actions
10. [ ] Edit Lead Within the Lead screen, how do you load the editable screen?  
What is an example of an "Action"?
12. [   ] Follow Up
11. [ ] Actions What is an example of an "Action"?  
How do you set a Follow Up with notes assigned?
13. [   ] Reminder Pop Up
12. [ ] Follow Up How do you set a Follow Up with notes assigned?  
How do you set your Reminders to pop up automatically upon logging into ERP?
How do you action the Reminder when it pops up?
14. [   ] Sales Pipeline
13. [ ] Reminder Pop Up How do you set your Reminders to pop up automatically upon logging into ERP? How do you action the Reminder when it pops up?  
What information is available on the Sales Pipeline Report?
15. [   ] Lead Status
14. [ ] Sales Pipeline What information is available on the Sales Pipeline Report?  
How do you assign a Status to a lead?
Where do you create your 'Status' list?
16. [   ] Appointment
15. [ ] Lead Status How do you assign a Status to a lead? Where do you create your 'Status' list?  
How do you create an Appointment from a Lead?
17. [   ] Appointment Notes
16. [ ] Appointment How do you create an Appointment from a Lead?  
What happens to any notes added to an Appointment, i.e. where else do they display?
18. [   ] Main Calendar
17. [ ] Appointment Notes What happens to any notes added to an Appointment, i.e. where else do they display?  
What are some of the key benefits of the Main Calendar?
19. [   ] Itinerary
18. [ ] Main Calendar What are some of the key benefits of the Main Calendar?  
Where can you print a Reps Itinerary from?
20. [   ] Email Appointments
19. [ ] Itinerary Where can you print a Reps Itinerary from?  
How do you email an Appointment Itinerary to a Rep?
21. [   ] Email Information
20. [ ] Email Appointments How do you email an Appointment Itinerary to a Rep?  
From where do you create an email to send to a Lead?
22. [   ] Marketing Reports
21. [ ] Email Information From where do you create an email to send to a Lead?  
How do you access the Marketing Action List and what is the benefit of this List?
23. [   ] Quote
22. [ ] Marketing Reports How do you access the Marketing Action List and what is the benefit of this List?  
How do you create a Quote directly from a Lead?
24. [   ] What It Took
23. [ ] Quote How do you create a Quote directly from a Lead?  
Where would you look to find out "What It Took" to gain a new Customer?
25. [   ] Sales Pipeline
24. [ ] What It Took Where would you look to find out "What It Took" to gain a new Customer?
Review the Sales Pipeline Report for up-to-date reporting on any Lead and/or Rep.
26. [   ] Converting Quote
25. [ ] Sales Pipeline Review the Sales Pipeline Report for up-to-date reporting on any Lead and/or Rep.
Where would you find the Quote created from the Lead, and how would you convert
it to a Sales Order?
27. [   ] Sales Order
26. [ ] Converting Quote Where would you find the Quote created from the Lead, and how would you convert it to a Sales Order?  
What happens to a Sales Order at the point of conversion from a Quote?
28. [   ] Reflected in Lead
27. [ ] Sales Order What happens to a Sales Order at the point of conversion from a Quote?  
What data is recorded against the Lead after the Quote is converted to a Sales Order?
29. [   ] Invoice
28. [ ] Reflected in Lead What data is recorded against the Lead after the Quote is converted to a Sales Order?  
How do you create an Invoice directly from a Lead?
30. [   ] Ratios
29. [ ] Invoice How do you create an Invoice directly from a Lead?  
Where can you access the Sales Ratios Report?
What beneficial information does this Report contain?
31. [   ] Just Leads
30. [ ] Ratios Where can you access the Sales Ratios Report? What beneficial information does this Report contain?  
Do you understand that by utilising just the Lead screen, a Customers inception
is fully tracked?
32. [   ] Print Reminders
31. [ ] Just Leads Do you understand that by utilising just the Lead screen, a Customers inception is fully tracked?  
Where is the "Print Reminders" button located and what is its primary benefit?
33. [   ] Contact To Customer
32. [ ] Print Reminders Where is the "Print Reminders" button located and what is its primary benefit?  
Can you now see how using the Marketing module efficiently can take you from a
Marketing Contact to a Customer with a complete record of what it took to get there?
33. [ ] Contact To Customer Can you now see how using the Marketing module efficiently can take you from a Marketing Contact to a Customer with a complete record of what it took to get there?
<br> Notes: Are there any aspects in this area that more training would be useful? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________
Are there any aspects in this area that more training would be useful?

Revision as of 17:58, 7 September 2011


Marketing Training

Company:___________________________ Signed:____________________________

Name:___________________ Position:______________ Date: _____________

Trainee to complete: Please tick

1. [ ] CRM, Marketing and Sales Do you understand how the CRM and Marketing modules link directly to Sales?

2. [ ] Leads Module Do you understand that a Lead is the key marketing tool for Sales integration?

3. [ ] Marketing Reports What are the primary Ratio Reports in relation to Marketing?

4. [ ] Marketing Contact What is the basic concept of a Marketing Contact and where does it link to?

5. [ ] Prospects To Customers How is a Prospect created and how does a Prospect become a Customer?

6. [ ] Telemarketing What is the main purpose of the Telemarketing section?

7. [ ] Contact Range Selection What is the Contact Selection Range used for and what does it link to?

8. [ ] Telemarketing Selection Where does the Telemarketing data feed from, and where does it feed to?

9. [ ] New Lead What are the different ways to create a Lead?

10. [ ] Edit Lead Within the Lead screen, how do you load the editable screen?

11. [ ] Actions What is an example of an "Action"?

12. [ ] Follow Up How do you set a Follow Up with notes assigned?

13. [ ] Reminder Pop Up How do you set your Reminders to pop up automatically upon logging into ERP? How do you action the Reminder when it pops up?

14. [ ] Sales Pipeline What information is available on the Sales Pipeline Report?

15. [ ] Lead Status How do you assign a Status to a lead? Where do you create your 'Status' list?

16. [ ] Appointment How do you create an Appointment from a Lead?

17. [ ] Appointment Notes What happens to any notes added to an Appointment, i.e. where else do they display?

18. [ ] Main Calendar What are some of the key benefits of the Main Calendar?

19. [ ] Itinerary Where can you print a Reps Itinerary from?

20. [ ] Email Appointments How do you email an Appointment Itinerary to a Rep?

21. [ ] Email Information From where do you create an email to send to a Lead?

22. [ ] Marketing Reports How do you access the Marketing Action List and what is the benefit of this List?

23. [ ] Quote How do you create a Quote directly from a Lead?

24. [ ] What It Took Where would you look to find out "What It Took" to gain a new Customer?

25. [ ] Sales Pipeline Review the Sales Pipeline Report for up-to-date reporting on any Lead and/or Rep.

26. [ ] Converting Quote Where would you find the Quote created from the Lead, and how would you convert it to a Sales Order?

27. [ ] Sales Order What happens to a Sales Order at the point of conversion from a Quote?

28. [ ] Reflected in Lead What data is recorded against the Lead after the Quote is converted to a Sales Order?

29. [ ] Invoice How do you create an Invoice directly from a Lead?

30. [ ] Ratios Where can you access the Sales Ratios Report? What beneficial information does this Report contain?

31. [ ] Just Leads Do you understand that by utilising just the Lead screen, a Customers inception is fully tracked?

32. [ ] Print Reminders Where is the "Print Reminders" button located and what is its primary benefit?

33. [ ] Contact To Customer Can you now see how using the Marketing module efficiently can take you from a Marketing Contact to a Customer with a complete record of what it took to get there?

Notes: Are there any aspects in this area that more training would be useful? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________