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8 Marketing

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Marketing Training

Company:___________________________ Signed:____________________________

Name:___________________ Position:______________ Date: _____________

Trainee to complete: Please tick

 1.  [   ]  CRM, Marketing and Sales	

Do you understand how the CRM and Marketing modules link directly to Sales?

 2.  [   ]  Leads Module

Do you understand that a Lead is the key marketing tool for Sales integration?

 3.  [   ]  Marketing Reports	

What are the primary Ratio Reports in relation to Marketing?

 4.  [   ]  Marketing Contact	

What is the basic concept of a Marketing Contact and where does it link to?

 5.  [   ]  Prospects To Customers	

How is a Prospect created and how does a Prospect become a Customer?

 6.  [   ]  Telemarketing	

What is the main purpose of the Telemarketing section?

 7.  [   ]  Contact Range Selection	

What is the Contact Selection Range used for and what does it link to?

 8.  [   ]  Telemarketing Selection	

Where does the Telemarketing data feed from, and where does it feed to?

 9.  [   ]  New Lead	

What are the different ways to create a Lead?

10. [ ] Edit Lead Within the Lead screen, how do you load the editable screen?

11. [ ] Actions What is an example of an "Action"?

12. [ ] Follow Up How do you set a Follow Up with notes assigned?

13. [ ] Reminder Pop Up How do you set your Reminders to pop up automatically upon logging into ERP? How do you action the Reminder when it pops up?

14. [ ] Sales Pipeline What information is available on the Sales Pipeline Report?

15. [ ] Lead Status How do you assign a Status to a lead? Where do you create your 'Status' list?

16. [ ] Appointment How do you create an Appointment from a Lead?

17. [ ] Appointment Notes What happens to any notes added to an Appointment, i.e. where else do they display?

18. [ ] Main Calendar What are some of the key benefits of the Main Calendar?

19. [ ] Itinerary Where can you print a Reps Itinerary from?

20. [ ] Email Appointments How do you email an Appointment Itinerary to a Rep?

21. [ ] Email Information From where do you create an email to send to a Lead?

22. [ ] Marketing Reports How do you access the Marketing Action List and what is the benefit of this List?

23. [ ] Quote How do you create a Quote directly from a Lead?

24. [ ] What It Took Where would you look to find out "What It Took" to gain a new Customer?

25. [ ] Sales Pipeline Review the Sales Pipeline Report for up-to-date reporting on any Lead and/or Rep.

26. [ ] Converting Quote Where would you find the Quote created from the Lead, and how would you convert it to a Sales Order?

27. [ ] Sales Order What happens to a Sales Order at the point of conversion from a Quote?

28. [ ] Reflected in Lead What data is recorded against the Lead after the Quote is converted to a Sales Order?

29. [ ] Invoice How do you create an Invoice directly from a Lead?

30. [ ] Ratios Where can you access the Sales Ratios Report? What beneficial information does this Report contain?

31. [ ] Just Leads Do you understand that by utilising just the Lead screen, a Customers inception is fully tracked?

32. [ ] Print Reminders Where is the "Print Reminders" button located and what is its primary benefit?

33. [ ] Contact To Customer Can you now see how using the Marketing module efficiently can take you from a Marketing Contact to a Customer with a complete record of what it took to get there?

Notes: Are there any aspects in this area that more training would be useful? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________